What’s the smallest country in the world ? – Città del Vaticano

In 2007 I once again traveled to Italy. My life has been a long term affair with Italy, so immersed in culture and history.

Italy has had some of the greatest artists and writers, especially during the renaissance, and many buildings and monuments built by some of the greatest architects of that time are still there.

This unusual perspective of St Peters Basilica was taken from my hotel, several blocks away.

I had missed the light of the creeping dawn but still felt a compulsion to photograph this iconic building. The earthy colors of the buildings in the foreground accentuate the timelessness and prominence of the imposing structure.

While it is neither the official church of the Roman Catholic Religion, nor the cathedral of the Pope as Bishop of Rome, Saint Peter’s is regarded as one of the holiest Catholic sites.

Built by Emperor Constantine, it took 120 years to construct and was built between 1506-1626.

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